Monday, 24 August 2015
Its Sunday, I work on a Sunday, My salon is right next door to Columbia Road Flower Market in the heart of London's East End and the market is on a Sunday so there really isn't any choice. Good job I love my job eh. Its 5.50pm and I have a quick glance at Facebook as you do....then WHAM....there it is. Someone has asked a controversial question and I am just waiting for the fall out. What's the question you ask??
Is it worth being a member of the BDGA (British Dog Groomers Association) and PIF (Pet Industry Federation)?
So, I'm the current chairman of the BDGA and the Grooming Director for PIF. As such, I feel that it is my responsibility to answer these questions with honesty and frankness. The problem is, this question is highly controversial and always conjures up colourful views and so it should. I think its great that groomers have such an opinion about the industry that they work in.
So why, I hear you ask, would you be worried about the 'fall out'?
Well, I totally support the Pet Industry Federation. I think that it is imperative that we have an organisation that has Codes of conduct and practices to follow and I personally think that it is essential for every professional industry to be answerable to someone so that the public (our valued customers) have a route to follow in the event of a complaint or query. This practice also protects us as members and shows that we want to offer the very best service available. Not only does it give you peace of mind to know that you are under the PIF umbrella it also gives you a voice through the BDGA. The BDGA is a group of representative groomers from all over the country who get together as often as possible to meet and discuss topics that have been brought to our attention through our members. We as a committee try very hard to make sure that those questions are answered whether positively or negatively. Any member of PIF can apply to be a member of the BDGA committee, it is an open shop and people simply have to be voted in.
Along with that, PIF offers a number of other incentives such as a legal helpline, discounts on insurances, CCTV offers, etc etc.
Not everyone agrees with the positives of PIF and the BDGA. People want change to happen immediately. Believe me, I want everything immediately, much to the disgust of my partner, he says that i'm one of the most impatient people he has ever met. Obviously he is mad!!! (but probably speaking the truth). It just doesn't happen that way, much to my disgust!
People want to see things moving forward and I totally get that. We all do. PIF as with any other non profit organisation, has to have an income and manpower to do the things that the members want. Unfortunately there isn't a never ending pot of gold to dip in to, PIF has to raise money in order to carry out groomers wishes and it does this through membership. In other words, if you want the industry to move forward with your ideas and visions, you have to be a member to allow them to afford to action those ideas and visions.
I totally understand that in the past members don't feel as though they get 'value for money' by having membership and I have heard it stated so many times that you can get the same benefits with the FSB. (Federation of Small Businesses). Yes, the benefits that they offer are very similar but they are not geared solely towards the Pet Industry and so will not have a bearing on it in any way. You are just paying for the legal helpline and newsletter etc. I'm not saying that what the FSB offer isn't brilliant, just that it definitely wont help sculpt the industry in to what you want it to be. At least with PIF and the BDGA there is a chance to say your peace.
I think that the BDGA and PIF has lost a certain amount of contact with its members and communication has been less than ideal in recent months. There has been a lot of frustration and mud slinging and there really isn't any need for any of that. We are all working towards the same goal and that is to have the industry that we are proud to be a part of. We want the public to know that we want to be respected as pet professionals and understand what they need to do as owners to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their pet. After all, we end up having a special relationship with our clients, they will see us much more than a vet with any luck.
Currently, to be a member of the BDGA and PIF, you don't need to be a qualified groomer. Yes they work closely with City and Guilds and have several schools that offer the C&G qualification but that doesn't mean that membership is exclusive to C&G qualified professionals. Its currently open to any pet grooming professional including people that hold other qualifications that are available.
Dog grooming is a creative and artistic industry and to this end will bring heightened emotions out in people. I totally understand that having worked in another creative industry for years before becoming a dog groomer. I think its important though to take a step back before shooting from the hip and realise that we are all looking at the same end game, its just a question of how we get there. I think it would be better to work together than to work apart.
For more info on PIF, go to
Friday, 21 August 2015
Ooh dog grooming might be for me!!!
Dog grooming is not the holy grail of jobs. It is not something that you can 'just do' without the proper training and knowledge. Yes, once you have achieved a certain status in the industry you can make a nice living from it but, as with any profession, that takes years, not a 10 day online course that gives you any number of redundant letters after your name. In my book, letters mean nothing if you haven't had to train for a significant time and work bloomin hard to achieve them. Also, the exams should be challenging and possible to fail, where's the achievement in getting a qualification that everyone passes with a high score, that, to me, seems more like a membership club. When I started my business, I worked an office job, I was touring in a show and I worked dog grooming on my days off. I did that for at least two years to try and get my client base together. It doesn't just happen!!! Anyway, I digress. The point is, yes there are many online courses that will give you their own qualification in dog grooming and yes they will give you letters after your name but practical experience they won't give. After these courses you may well be armed with knowledge and that's brilliant but where does that leave you if you don't know how to hold a pair of scissors, let's face it, the dog you are about to cut is not made out of pillow foam. It's gonna move.
Ok, you work in TV and its thankless or you work in the city and you need to find yourself again, these are just a couple of things I hear all the time from people that have a dog that has to get groomed, come in to the salon and see that actually, they might like this dog grooming malarkey. What these unsuspecting people see is 3 groomers chatting away to each other with 3 perfect angels standing to attention on the tables getting their hair cut without a slight twitch. 5 minutes earlier when we were cutting fido the Westies nails or when monty did a big poo on the table or when little Tilly was doing alligator rolls whilst we were clipping her front legs, all hell was breaking loose. One was setting the other off barking, the dryers were going, the phone was ringing and whilst all that is going on you have to stay incredibly calm and in charge of the situation and somehow control it and bring it back to a workable condition. That might mean a time out for Fido, some peanut butter on the H frame for Monty and some great handling and calming skills for Tilly. Everyone wants their dog to have a positive experience at the groomers and for the most part they do, but there are times when things aren't a bed of roses.
Dogs have teeth. Yes, because we have been trained we know what to look out for and yes we have the skills to spot bad behaviour before it happens, but sometimes you will get a dog that bites. Now, did your co workers at the bank occasionally sink their teeth in to your skin whilst you were just carrying out your work....No they didn't. Well let me tell you, this is a reality in dog grooming. For a good amount of time this animal with jaws designed to bite through bone is being prodded and poked by you. You have to remain in control even when the chips are down and the dog is starting to get frightened. You have to remember that you are the one in control, there is no one else to turn to, you are in charge of the animal in your care. You can't pop it in your 'in tray' to finish after your skinny latte and club sandwich by the fountain. This is the reality here and now... You have a very frightened dog on the table and you are in charge of its welfare. Can you handle it?
Many new groomers that come to me to work show their fear of aggressive dogs. It is my job as a business owner to try and get them to harness that fear and keep control of the situation. Groomers cannot run away from scary situations. They have to control them. Sometimes it's a bit like playing that kids game kurplunk or buckaroo. You just never know when it's gonna hit the fan. When it does a good groomer weighs up the safety element in their mind in a split second. They find the safest way to diffuse a situation and put the dogs welfare and happiness first. Sometimes that can mean abandoning the groom, calling the owner and suggesting a vet visit but the majority of the time it can be safely controlled by good calm handling and most of all patience.
Patience is the absolute name of the game when it comes to dog grooming, it is the no1 thing that all of my groomers must possess above anything else.
What do you need when a customer won't leave because they are worried that their dog will be unhappy in the salon? - Patience
What do you need when fido won't let you trim the left side of his face? - Patience
What do you need when a customer says "Im gonna cut his hair at home, after all, how hard can it be?" - Patience
What about when you have just washed Molly and she pees all over her legs on the table - Patience
Or when the owner comes back after 15 mins and says is 'she done yet?' -Patience
If you are an impatient person, dog grooming is most definitely not for you. It's the one skill you cannot do without.
Things to consider when thinking of grooming for a career change
1. You will be on your feet for most of the day
2. you probably won't get an actual lunch break
3. You will have to deal with Kujo as well as Fido
4. You will have to work weekends
5. You will probably always smell of dog
6. You may get back problems or RSI
7. You may get bitten
I am not meaning for this to be a negative look at my wonderful profession, it's more of a reality check. For the most part it is a wonderful fulfilling and rewarding career that is full of passionate individuals that love animals and are greatly concerned with welfare and handling. It isn't a regulated industry and I wanted to post this to highlight that as much as it is fun and rewarding, it does have its daily challenges just like any other career.
Whatever you do in life it is sooo important to enjoy it. I have always done exactly what I love and my motto is.....I'D RATHER HAVE A LIFETIME OF OH WELL'S THAN ONE OF WHAT IF'S.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Tick tock tick tock tempus fugit!!!
It's 9.45am and I'm meandering in to the salon with my coffee quickly glancing and ignoring the amount of towels that need washing and drying and wondering if we have enough clean ones for the day of dogs that we have in today. I peruse the diary and see that there is quite a few dogs in and I quickly organise the day in my head and allocate the dogs to each groomer. All in my head. The day works. The diary is set up to allow certain times for each groom. Everything is going to be fabulous. At 10am the phone rings and it's the first client of the day informing us that they are going to be 10 mins late. My heart sinks, 10 mins means 20 usually and my technologically advanced, all singing all dancing computerised booking system doesn't allow for lateness or traffic. In my head I weigh up the times and work out if I can make up time on a dog without putting its welfare at risk and I decide that 15 mins is the absolute maximum otherwise they will have to rebook. I tell the customer this in my best 'I've been there sister' way. (I have been there, I'm not perfect although you would be forgiven for thinking I am...ahem). Anyway. They turn up 25 mins late and I have a huge battle with myself as to wether I can complete their old English sheep dog in in 45 mins. The owner is looking desperate and is pleading with me. Then she says those fatal words...."oh come on, it will only take you a minute, how hard can it be??" That's it, my mind is made up and there is nothing I can do about it. I cannot groom the dog today.
Dog grooming is a skill, it is not something to be rushed. A sharp pair of scissors and a wriggly dog is not an unskilled pastime and certainly not something that can be rushed to placate an annoyed customer. It takes as long as it takes. Each dog and dog groomer is different and has different speeds to safely work at and this must be understood by our customers. Most of mine do understand this and I love them for it.
So here's the thing...
As annoying as it is for the owners, we have to look out for the dogs in our care. We have to make sure that they are safe and comfortable whilst they spend time with us. We aren't there for the owners, we are there for their four legged friend and we can only do what we can do. It's a pair of scissors not a magic wand and we get them from Simpsons not oleanders!!!
At the end of the's dog hair!!! Yes it pays my mortgage and it's hugely important to me and my family but we aren't treating advanced stage cancer. The cut can wait a day or two so that everything can be done safely and in a professional manner. The absolute best thing that you can do as an owner is brush your dog so that it doesn't get to the stage of being an emergency for the poor dog in 28• heat.
It's wise to remember that we don't want to cancel any appointments, that's how we get paid. If we cancel we lose money. But we would rather cancel than put your dog in any in necessary danger whilst in our care.
Groomers love dogs and want them to look beautiful. They are proud of the looks that they can achieve, they are creative artistic people that want what is best for fido and also they want to impress you with their skills.
Give them the time to show you!!!
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